Monday, January 24, 2011

Oh where oh where do the hours go?

Since moving back to New York, my days have started to swallow me up. They spit me back out, with sore feet, a weary mind, and a bit of a crestfallen heart. After long evenings of work and an endless commute, I return home to neglect my projects in favor of cozying up and recharging; and while this is important, I refuse to abdicate my creativity just yet! I am determined to cultivate my own time in a wiser way. It's time to get back to my passions and pursuits! My first mini-project?....Olives!!

My local supermarket sells fresh, uncured olives in their produce section. Having never seen them in such an un-processed state, I grabbed a handful of the greens the first time I found them. Upon getting them home I gave them a quick rinse and eagerly bit into one, sure to get my olive fix for the day. Hmmm. Not recommended. It tasted, as my roommate said, like what one would imagine biting into a rose stem would taste like, bitter and grassy. It seems that curing them, leeches this bitterness out of the olives rendering them edible. How olive ignorant was I!

After a quick google, I now have my first test-batch of olives curing as I type.

There are quite a few methods for curing, endless ways to season, and it only takes a few weeks. I am beginning with the simple water curing method as to try the olives in their purest form. Have a read of this Wikihow article if you are interested in trying this project for yourself!

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